
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?: And I said, "Here am I; send me!"

~Isaiah 6:8

Sunday, January 18, 2009


To my mind, revival has always implied lots of energy, motivation, getting something to start moving. I have often pictured those difibrillators sending a surge of energy to restart the heart, bringing someone from flatline to a full beat.
Revival is a burst of energy, a "jump start" for a dead battery. It implies bringing back to life.

But these pictures I had in my mind are not fair assessments of true revival. My examples of defibrillators or jump start of a battery only require short, limited release of energy and do not require on-going connection to the source of the energy. I have to completely rethink and relearn my understanding of what true revival is.

Scripturally, God views revival as a groundbreaking beginning to growing a garden. He is intent on creating a soul that will bear fruit - and that requires much more than a quick burst of energy.

In Gods plan, revival is the breaking of the fallow land - land that had once been productive, but for one reason or another had gone to waste and become crusty, hard and full of rocks and stones. Fallow land requires lots of energy to revive. Combinations of pick-axes and shovels are needed to loosen the soil and remove any large rocks that have taken residence. This is a time-consuming process, not a quick fix.

Why is it so easy to slip into a "fallow" lifestyle - and why must it require such energy to create and maintain good productive soil?


M.J.D. said...

In response to your questions one passage of scripture comes to my mind:
Jeremiah 17:9. "The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?"

Two great books on revival:




Unknown said...

amen amen amen!

brokenness is the beginning of true "revival" - it leads to surrender which is "where it's at" when you really get down to it

You'd love the lyrics to a Sara Groves song, "remember surrender" - look it up :) one line, "Why can't I stay here and make my home in sweet surrender?"