
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?: And I said, "Here am I; send me!"

~Isaiah 6:8

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Sensory Perception

Today I was re-reading The Shack in preparation for a discussion group on Tuesday. This book is indescribable in its depth. I realized again today as I was reading certain sections a second time that this is one of those magical books that I can read again and again, and always find something new that makes me think or dig deeper into my own psyche. Sometimes these journeys can be dangerous...

Today I settled on page 149 where Mack is having conversation with Jesus. I will share the portion here that sent me to a very interesting introspection:

"You mean," Mack interjected a little sarcastically, "that I can't just ask, 'What Would Jesus Do'?"
Jesus chuckled. "Good intentions, bad idea. Let me know how it works for you, if that's the way you choose to go." He paused and grew sober. "Seriously, my life was not meant to be an example to copy. Being my follower is not trying to 'be like Jesus,' it means for your independence to be killed. I came to give you life, real life, my life. We will come and live our life inside of you, so that you begin to see with our eyes, and hear with our ears, and touch with our hands, and think like we do. But, we will never force that union on you. If you want to do your thing, have at it. Time is on our side."

Now that whole concept gave me great pause. I had to take time and reflect - and even took time to lay flat out and submit some time to God on this one. To think of Jesus looking out through my eyes, hearing through my ears, touching with my hands, tasting through my taste buds all of HIS great creation it just made me sit still for a few moments. It never occurred to me before that I would be a "perceptor" or nerve ending for God.

So all day today, the world has taken on a new meaning. I am eyes and ears for God to view His creation through. That makes me want to see more clearly, listen more carefully and savor taste more accurately. Thinking that I am helping God to see the world makes everything I look at more wondrous and every emotion more poignant.

Not being one who can ever take an idea and just let it settle for a while - I had to go even further to wonder about how God is setting controls for me his little nerve ending. I find it interesting that my long distance vision continues to get worse and yet at my age (somewhere past 50) I still don't need reading glasses. Why is it difficult for me to hear when there is any background noise and why do my emotions lie so close to the surface? How is He using these quirks in my senses? So is God in His little control room pushing buttons and turning knobs that adjust these senses so that I send him just the information he wants? Perhaps my reading vision is still good because I still need to do a lot more scripture reading :o) Maybe my hearing issues are supposed to force me to listen more carefully and speak a lot less...

Whatever it does mean, I do know this - my approach to each day will be different when I remember that I am but an instrument for Jesus to have contact with the world.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Jaye, just wanted to let you know taht I am catching up on your writing a bit at a time and not in order, I'm afraid (I'm like that, I don't know why) but I really enjoyed this one today. It makes me want to read The Shack again! love your thoughts :)